Hey girls!
Am primit acest tag dragut de la Pandrea Florina, careia vreau sa ii multumesc mult de tot pentru ca s-a gandit la mine>:D<:*
Tag'ul este in engleza, asa ca am preluat si eu intrebarile asa cum sunt. Nu mai stau sa le traduc, oricum ma tenta de ceva timp sa scriu o postare in engleza:X
1.Are you named after anyone?
2.When was the last time you cried?
I dont't know exactly, but I think it was a long time ago:))
3.Do you have kids?
No, I'm too young for this "job":))
4.If you were another person,would you be a friend of yourself?
Myself-of course!
5.Do you use sarcasm a lot?
6.Will you ever bungee-jumping?
Omg:) I don't know...but..."Never say never".
7.What's your favourite cereal?
8.What's the first thing you notice about people?
The smile:)
9.What is your eye color?
Brown, and sometimes (it depends on the light, make-up, chlotes, etc) they tend to be green.
10.Happy Endings or scarry movie?
Happy Endings:X
11.Favourite smells?
Chocolate, honey, coconut, melon:X
12.Summer or winter?
Summer of course:X
13.Computer or television?
14.What's the farthest place you've ever been from home?
15.Do you have special talents?
I think that each talent is special...and if we talk about me-I can realize a nice make-up or a special jewelry:X
16.Where were you born ?
Aiud (Alba Iulia), Romania!
17.What are your hobbies?
Make-up and handmade jewelry:)
18.Do you have any pets?
Unfortunately no:(
19.Favourite movie?
Harry Potter (all of them)
20.Do you have any siblings?
21.What do you want to be when you grow up?
Make-up artist:X
23.Movies you dislike
Horror movies
24.What 3 Youtubers/Bloggers would you like to meet in person?
Youtubers:Michelle Phan and Promise Phan...and bloggers-a lot of talented Romanian beauty bloggers who inspired me during the time.
Mi-a facut mare placere sa raspund la acest tag. Nu il dau mai departe doar anumitor persoane deoarece as vrea sa il faca oricine doreste:*
O zi frumoasa!
Hihihi,mă bucur ca l-ai făcut,acum te cunosc mai bine !:**
RăspundețiȘtergereSi eu iti multumesc pt ca mi-ai acordat sansa de a raspunde la acest tag>:D<:*
ȘtergereE bine daca nu plangi des, eu sunt o "bocitoare profesionista". :))))) De ex. la filme plang mai mereu!:))
RăspundețiȘtergereEu plang cand ma enervez:)))
ȘtergereMai am un tag pentru tine !! :*
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc ca te-ai gandit din nou la mine, esti o scumpa!:* Acum il fac>:D<